China and India shoot at the border

Border clash between the two Asian giants. Over 150 military personnel involved, shooting and stone throwing.

Military patrols from China and India are shooting in the border area in the Sikkim region. The military clash involved dozens of soldiers at an altitude of 5000 meters above sea level along a passage in the Muguthang valley.

The Indian press talks about it, citing official sources. 150 soldiers were involved, there was gunfire and hand-to-hand combat with stone throwing. Seven are injured between Chinese and Indians. Nothing is known about who caused the episode even though aggressive behavior continued on both sides.

It is the first clash between China and India after the tension of 2017. That summer, Indians and Chinese clashed in the border area of ​​Pandong Lake. Indian troops blocked the construction of a road on this plateau in the Buthan disputed by China and India for over two months.

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